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Scent Sensitivity

Updated: Oct 10, 2024

Scent Sensitivity refers to a negative reaction to certain smells or scented products that come into contact with the skin. It can induce nausea, headaches, breathing difficulties, and skin reactions such as rashes or a burning sensation.

Unfortunately, there is no medical test to check for smell sensitivity and this means that people reporting it are not always taken seriously. Although in today’s society workplaces and some people are considering the fragrances they use in consideration of others, because as people we are aware some of our friends, family and even strangers cannot function in an environment that is heavily scented.

Like many other conditions of the body that science doesn’t fully understand you may be told it’s all in your mind. That the fact that the smell isn’t pleasing to you, you become anxious, and that the anxiety is what causes the symptoms. History shows that many conditions that were “all in your mind” were in fact real things. Menopause is the perfect example it took women years of bringing up symptoms before the medical world took them seriously. Chronic fatigue is another people are still told there is nothing wrong with them.  Don’t let anyone tell you that your reaction to a scent isn’t valid, that you have made it up, if it makes you feel unwell you need to find the cause and remove the source if possible or take steps to reduce the impact on your health.

 It is also often hard for children to relay what they are reacting to. Scented toilet paper may be an issue as the genital region is often sensitive to scents and parents often take their child’s, “its sore” to mean they wiped too hard. If your child is complaining about its sore, it’s burning in this region and a urinary tract infection has been ruled out, check the products that are being used in this region. Toilet paper, soaps and bath products as well as laundry powders/liquids you are washing clothes in.

Three conditions related to scents are:

1.Hyperosmia is an overwhelming sensitivity to smells.

2.Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a condition where people become very sensitive to certain chemicals used in products like perfumes, cleaning products and pesticides. It is also known as idiopathic environmental intolerance. (IEI). Symptoms include Nasal congestion, itching and sneezing, respiratory and flu-like symptoms. Skin rashes, muscle and joint pain, headaches/migraines, Fatigue, Dizziness, Chest pain and breathing problems, changes in heart rate, Nausea, Bloating, gas and diarrhoea, mental confusing and trouble concentrating. short term memory loss. Mood changes, irritability, anxiety and depression. (1)

3.Fragrance sensitivity symptoms include headaches, difficulty breathing, wheezing, tight feeling in chest, worsening asthma symptom, runny and stuffy nose sneezing and for some people an itchy red rash.




What can I do about it?

Firstly, identify what is causing the issue. Sometimes this is hard there are many smells around us. But note where you are when your headache comes on. Some people react to the actual plant as well as the fragrance. Some people only reacted to the heavily scented version of the plant. Take lavender for example there are a variety of lavender plants and when in flower some have a very mild scent, and others have a very strong scent. Some people may be able to tolerate the mild scent, but the more intense scents may cause a reaction.  Essential oils are a concentration of the natural fragrance of the plant and are usually a more intense aroma than the plant. A fragrance is which is manmade is often more intense than an essential oil and often has a blend of ingredients including solvents, stabilizers, UV-absorbers, preservatives and dyes. So, for contact scent sensitives products using a lot of ingredients may indicate a fragrance sensitivity or a MCS reaction.

Secondly, once you know what scent is causing the issue remove it from your home. Sometimes it is hard to work out which smell is causing it, especially if you react to more than one or two. Or if your family is like mine and different people are reactive to different scents and products, it is often better to aim for a no added scent household. 

Thirdly, learn to read the labels of your products and get to know what you’re using.

Fourthly, replace products in your house to no or low scented options.

Unscented toilet papers

Unscented soaps and washes.

Soap nuts are used to make an alternative laundry liquid or try a product that is for sensitive people. 

Be patient and keep trying if you don’t find the perfect product first time keep looking. You and your family deserve safe products.



Here at Retree Wellness we have a range of unscented soaps and bees wax candles available to those who want beautiful products without those overpowering scents.






(1)     Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Safer Care Victoria



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