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How I make Kimchi

Kimchi is a Korean fermented dish. I adapt my recipe to incorporate the foods I usually have at hand.

DAY 1.

Cabbage- Napa cabbage is traditional used or green cabbage if that is not available. I use a mixture of red and green cabbage. I use enough cabbage to fill a 2litre container.

I save a few outer wholes leaves to put on top later.

Chop cabbage into bite size pieces, wash well, place into bowl or container. I use a fermenting container.

Add 1/3 of a cup of sea salt mix well

Fill the bowl with filtered water.

Place lid on and leave to ferment overnight. about 8 hours.

DAY 2.

In the morning

Drain liquid off cabbage RETAIN LIQUID. This liquid is a brine.

Make kimchi rub

Kimchi Rub

Koreans use Gochujang < which is a chili paste or Gochugaru, which is a Korean chili that is usually sun dried without the seeds.. I use a large yellow chili, which isn't so hot and some storer brought chili flakes.

In the food processor blend

A piece of ginger I use a piece about 5-7cm.

5cm piece of fresh yellow chili.

sprinkling of chili flakes, This will depend on how spicy you would like it, you can taste your paste and add more. so start with less.

teaspoon or two of fish sauce

splash of soy sauce

Sugar can be added to taste. I use stevia.

taste, add more ingredients to suit your taste.

Combine cabbage and paste.

Add cut up vegetables.

1 diagon radish. - cut julienne style

1 carrot- cut julienne style

3 spring onions, sometimes called shallots cut into 3 cm pieces.

Combine with cabbage.

Place in to sanitized container or jars. Leave 8- 10cm from top . Remember you are making a fermented food it needs room to ferment.

Cover with brine. The liquid you saved from the cabbage earlier.

Put cabbage leaf on top to hold the vegetables under the brine. You can put a cooking stone/or weight on top to hold it down. please use something clean, not a garden stone.

Place lid on.

Place in a dark cool cupboard.

Allow to ferment for 3-5 days. This is really going to depend on where you live. Check it each day, taste it until it is the flavour you require. I live in the subtropics so in the summer I only leave it in the cupboard a couple of days, as it ferments quickly. If you are in a colder climate it may take longer. Once it is to your palate place it in the refrigerator

, it will still ferment in the refrigerator, but at a slower rate.



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