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Benefits of drinking water

Water is an essential element to life. The human body is made up of more water than any other substance and every cell in the body comprises water, yes even fat cells which are approximately 10% water. With an adult losing approximately 2.5 to 3litres of water a day. It is essential to replenish water supply daily. The easiest way to do this is to drink water daily.

To calculate how much water you should be drinking a day multiply 0.033 by your weight. So if you weight 65 kilograms you would need to drink 2.145 litres. Remember if you are exposed to extreme heat or doing vigorous exercise you may need to consume more water.

We are able to obtain water from other sources: around 20% of our daily water intake is acquired via the food we eat. This, of course, will vary from person to person. If you are skipping meals it may be beneficial to add another glass of water into your diet to make up what you are missing.

Why drink water?

Water is necessary for elimination: the body eliminates unwanted and potentially harmful elements from the body via urination, faeces and sweating. Lack of water may result in reduced urination, darker and smelly urine and constipation.

Joint health: the fluid around joints cushions them and assists with movement if you are not drinking enough water they may feel stiff.

Body temperature: water is needed to assist with the regulation of body temperature. If you are sweating a lot then consider having a drink of water.

Blood pressure: drinking water keeps your body hydrated, and a hydrated body may assist with lowering blood pressure according to Dr Sinatra.

Reduce incidence of headaches: dehydration, not having enough water, may result in a headache. If you feel a headache coming on, a glass of water may be of assistance.

Water droplets splashing
Water droplets splashing


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