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Attitude affects menopausal transition.

The way we think about our menopause impacts on the way we transition through menopause. Understanding your mindset helps you to make the right choices for you.

For many women peri-menopause can be a confronting time, the knowledge that you are running out of eggs can trigger the desire to reproduce again. For myself this came out of the blue, my fourth pregnancy had been complicated with the risk of having complications in any further pregnancy thus we decided that four was the perfect number for us. But wham-mo I hit perimenopause and here I was self talking to myself about those six babies I still wanted, I even chose names. Crazy but when our hormones start to shift we often become irrational and choices may be a little off. I never had another child and while if one had come along I would have loved it. It would have changed my life plan and really the risks were too great to go down that path. That didn't mean the desire wasn't there, it was so strong and as women we need to acknowledge these feelings and emotions and often it is hard for our husbands or partners to understand the sudden about face because they are looking forward to having you to themselves in the near further and doing all those non child friendly activities you too have been looking forward to. You know travel without having to take a thousand bags, eating out with the foods you like, not the kids choices.

Saying goodbye to your reproductive years can be hard. especially if you haven't been able to fall pregnant, carry a child to term, lost a child or even if you just wanted more children. Or like me you just didn't want to loss your ability to reproduce. For each of us getting to this stage of life has meant we have had to deal with some kind of issues in regards to our reproductive health and the effects our reproductive hormones have played not only on our bodies but on our minds. It is important to acknowledge where we have been, where we are at now and where we are going in regards to our health and life choices. This is our time Ladies, lets shine.

The way we feel about something often determines how we react to it.. Studies have shown that if you go into perimenopause with a good mindset the symptoms are easier to handle and are often less frequent. Now this isn't saying it's all in your head, as many women who have gone through menopause have been told in the past and some will be told in the further. But I am here to tell you that is not the case. The thing that impacts on our thought system is that if we look forward to menopause as a start of a new and exciting phase in our lives, we see that symptoms of a right of passage. I call it the "Rite of passage to wisdom" not every woman lives long enough to get there, we who do are blessed and have the opportunity to share our wisdom with those around us.

If we view perimenopause as a negative time in our life cycle we are likely to become stressed by the symptoms. Stress increases cortisol and affects hormone levels. It often results in poor sleep, poor communication, impacting on our day to day life and our relationships. Thus the symptoms of menopause become worse.

List some of the positives of getting to menopause.

1. No more periods.

2. No more pregnancy scares

3.The ability to wear white jeans any day of the month, this is my favorite.

What are your favorites?

What to do about mindset and menopause. Firstly know your body, if you think you are experiencing perimenopause rejoice and deal with the symptoms. Get help if needed, check out my free symptoms of menopause chart.and track how you are progressing. Remember every women has a different story and each of us has a different journey as we transition though menopause. Your journey is the one that is right for you, take time to understand how you are feeling about your menopausal transition and how this is impacting on your life. If you need help with symptoms or to be better informed never be afraid to seek assistance and talk to other women about what you are experiencing. They may be going through a similar experience.

If you are struggling through and require assist we at Retree Wellness offer assistance to women transiting through menopause book an appointment today.

Talk about menopause with your friends.


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