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5 Sleep tips for menopausal women

1. If you are feeling hot and bothered before bed have a relaxing bath. You can add a few drops of essential oils, try sage, frankincense, thyme or lavender.

2. Don’t wear tight fitting clothes, nothing worse than having a hot flush or night sweats and having to struggle to get clothes off.

3. Have a water bottle next to your bed. Dehydration can be a result of hot flushes and night sweats. It is a good idea to always drink a glass of water before having a hot shower or bath.

4. Have a kiwi fruit or two before bed, studies have shown kiwi fruit can assist sleep. Don’t like kiwi fruit then try some walnuts, or almonds.

5. Chamomile and passionflower tea are a great choice for a before bed beverage. If the thought of hot tea is too much, make the tea in the morning freeze some in ice cube trays and keep some in the fridge then have it as a cold drink after dinner.

If you have tried all these suggestions and still not getting a good night sleep then book and appointment and I will help you discover how to get the rest you need.

Sleepless nights resulting in tired days? It doesn't have to be that way.


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