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Experiencing Menopause?

Menopause should be an exciting time for women. Just as getting your first period marked the beginning of your reproductive years  getting your last period marks the end of your reproductive years and now allows you to go about fulfilling your dreams without the inconvenience of menstruation.


Many women see this time as the marking of wisdom and growth. Not all your friends will have made it this far in life. You are truly blessed.


For some women menopause brings a few symptoms that are easy to live with for others the symptoms are intolerable.

Don't despair there are a lot of different options out there for you to try.


Firstly you need to identify the symptoms you are experiencing. Grab our free chart to assist you track your symptoms. 

Once you have determined what symptoms you are experiencing you can begin a plan of actions. 


Options include:

1) Tea is the perfect place to start as it is easily available, easy to prepare and there are so many flavour options available.

2) Dietary changes. Many women find reducing processed foods and high sugar foods assists reduce the frequency of menopausal symptoms. But as we are each individual dietary changes need to be inline with your body, not someone else's.

3) Lifestyle changes. During this time hormonal levels are fluctuating, you may feel energized one minute and exhausted the next. Getting enough rest is critical to your health in menopause. Sleep is an issue many menopausal women struggle with.

4) As there are so many different symptoms associated with menopausal transition and not every woman will get all of them, there is no one solution. Never give up on yourself and ask for help when needed. Don't stop asking and seeking until you get the answer that works for you. You are so special and unique. 

Become be the women you were meant to be

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Tea for Menopause

A little cup goes a long way

Tea for menopause is the brainchild of naturopath Anita Williams, whose own personal experience with menopause highlighted the lack of knowledge about how fabulous herbal teas are at reducing the symptoms so many women experience.

If you are suffering from hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, are you feeling itchy, stressed, tired needing to pee all the time or maybe your sex drive taken a nosedive? Then this is the book for you. Containing the knowledge of over a hundred different teas women use to address 47 different symptoms of menopause.

Herbal teas are an affordable, easily accessed and administered, you will probably have some of the herbs growing in your own garden. Learn which ones to pick, how to brew them and how much to drink. This book provides you with simple easy instructions to prepare your own personalized tea blends. 

 Tea for Menopause contains the details of 102 herbal teas which gives you the following possibilities:

1 tea used to make a cup of tea is 102 different varieties.
2 tea blends is 5,151.
3 tea blends is 171,700.
4 tea blends is 4,249,575.
5 tea blends is 83,291,670.

By learning which herbs address which issues you can then blend your own personalized tea specific to your needs. Don't suffer through menopause, open the pages, gain the knowledge you need, record your story and blends in the specially designed back pages, step into your power, own your menopausal journey and transition into the life you desire. Get your copy today. 

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"Myteablends" for a 5% discount.

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